Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day + Dear Diary

Hey guys!

It is Mother's Day today! Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers out there! Without them we would not be here! :D

I think I have been thinking too much. I have been trying to distract myself with things but I think reality always sets in. I have been stronger than others think I am. My friends mother (my friend who I have known the longest in my life!! We have known eachother for over 12 years easily), said to me she didn't think I would be okay. But you know what, after everything, I am. I am okay. Sure some days are better than others, but I am hanging in there.

I think it's just hard to pull my head around everything. Do you think having a religion would help? I have no religion, yet I studied Christianity for years and read about 95% of the Bible. Crazy I know! I read it like a novel! But for me, I think I try to believe in other things, in myself? Is that what has been helping me through things? I think so. 

I am stronger than I thought I was. I am smarter than I thought I was. The fact that I am still functioning is tribute to that. You never know what you are capable of until you are forced to go through it, until it is your every day reality. I hope no one goes through the trauma I went through in the past year. But no matter what people say, "It's in the past, don't think about it", they are not me, and they did not go through life changing situations.

We all have different ways of coping with life and we all have different relationships with the people in our life. They are not the same, nor should they be.

Mum, I am thankful you are still in my life. Thank you for creating me. I love you.

Happy Mother's Day everyone.

Lara xo

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